
Self-Help Genre:  Videos on Difficulties in Communication

Hi!  I did these videos as part of my masters thesis project, for the Communication Studies Dept. at New Mexico State University.  The videos deal with some of the difficult aspects of communication including:  Sarcasm, Conflict, as well as the often overlooked aspects of Self-Soothing and Self-Compassion.

I find that open and honest communication can be difficult… I mean, we are not usually taught how to do this…  let alone practice it.  These videos are an attempt to look at some of these problems.

The overall goal of the videos, are not only to look at how others communicate, but more importantly, how are we communicating as well.  Are we really expressing what we want to say or are we merely giving knee-jerk reactions to others?  In effect, letting them control us.

Remember, I’m talking about communicating under difficult and uncomfortable circumstances.  So, in these videos, I am going to talk about possible solutions, on how we may communicate, in healthier and more effective ways.

And I would like to add that we must be honest in our communication with ourselves (the self-talk within), before we can ever hope to have the powerful and effective communication style of a Mahatma Gandhii, which is something that I’ll continue to strive for throughout my life.

My Best to You and Keep Striving to reach the “Self” within the self!


  • Dealing with Sarcasm and Difficult People



  • Conflict in Communication



  • Self-Soothing and Self-Compassion